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Android PC

Creating a multi-window experience on Android devices.

Screenshot of a multi-window operating system for a tablet

Role User Research, Wireframing, Prototyping
Team Intel Design Team
Company Intel

Create a compelling multi-window experience for Android that scales across devices.

A solution that works with mouse and touch which lets users easily manage windows on the Android home screen.

More and more users are coming from a mobile perspective, their first computing experience is with a smartphone or tablet. In the mobile environment the application is king, files are secondary.

• Benchmark & user research to identify needs and challenges.
• Technical specifications of the prototype’s behaviours.
• Documentation for communication with stakeholders.
• Collaboration with the engineering team for prototype development.

Key requirements
• Communicate to the user which window is active now.
• Define a grid system with rules to manage window placement and snapping.
• Elegantly manage the transition when a larger display is connected to the device (output scaling, window re-flow).
• Support touch as well as mouse/keyboard.
• Address potential conflict between the back button and content in far removed windows on larger displays.

A 3 weeks research project aimed at learning from people’s current usages, culminating in concept validation in user testing sessions.

Research: Key findings
Constrained model:
A constrained model allows for users to see what is open at all times. They can choose to work with full screen apps if they wish to do so.
Made for touch:
Non-overlapping windows have better and easier touch targets for direct window manipulation.
Users switch quickly between devices and displays during the day. Giving them a consistent experience across devices and displays is crucial.
No hidden information:
Users struggle to find hidden windows or waste time managing the windows to uncover information. Non-overlapping windows give a cleaner and clearer visualisation of all the content in windows.

Diagram of a multi-window operating system for a tablet

Key window operations
• Open app into window
• Open subsequent applications into separate windows in the same ‘space’
• Minimise a window
• Maximise a window
• Close a window
• Display and easily manage minimised windows
• Resize a window
• Move a window to a new position

Screenshot of a multi-window operating system for a PC

A MOUSE oriented version of the multi-window solution

Screenshot of a multi-window operating system for a tablet

A TOUCH oriented version of the multi-window solution